We spend 90% of our time indoors. Be it at home, work place, education premise, entertainment area or any similar space, we do spend most our time indoors.
It is thus of utmost importance that the premises we are in, provide us with appropriate safety and comfort other than the services they offer.
Building sciences as a concept. It is the collection of scientific knowledge that focuses on the analysis of the physical phenomena affecting buildings. Building sciences traditionally includes the study of indoor thermal environment, indoor acoustic environment, indoor light environment, indoor air quality, and building resource use, including energy and building material use.
Here is a quick overview of 3 of the most important aspects of Building sciences

Building Acoustics
is the science and engineering of achieving a good sound environment within a building space. Building acoustics design is achieved by following an “intelligent layout” where noise producing areas are separated from noise sensitive areas. Acoustics design should also ensure sound insulation between rooms and sound absorption of excess sound to improve communication and reduce noise related distraction.
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Fire Protection
is the utmost priority in designing any type of building.
- The provisions of means of escape of occupants
- The ability of a building to resist the effects of fire and to minimize the spread of fire and smoke
- The provision of means of access to enable firefighters to carryout rescue operations

Indoor Air Quality
It’s a myth that pollution is restricted to the outdoors. The truth is that the indoors can often be more polluted than outside. Thus, it’s necessary to enhance the indoor air quality (IAQ).
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